There is something intriguing to me about keeping track of the context around a project that is itself simply the context of a thing. It is all very convoluted, but in the convolution there is clarity.

From the author...

Essentially, this blog is an opportunity for me to discuss the process of writing these stories from within the character of Matthus Sparrowblade. Forcing myself to think about why he would include this story, and what questions he would be having, helps keep me honest.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

"Mana: An individual's personal authority. In all but a few legendary cases, the only individuals with mana powerful enough to manipulate the world around them are the gods themselves, who are able to bestow their authority on those who serve them Thus, priests referring to their own mana are almost always referring to the way in which they direct the mana of their god."

A few legenary cases. Interesting.

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