There is something intriguing to me about keeping track of the context around a project that is itself simply the context of a thing. It is all very convoluted, but in the convolution there is clarity.

From the author...

Essentially, this blog is an opportunity for me to discuss the process of writing these stories from within the character of Matthus Sparrowblade. Forcing myself to think about why he would include this story, and what questions he would be having, helps keep me honest.

Friday, June 30, 2006

"If we accept the worldview of the Narti immigrants [which is to say, the Iskandrans and the Cilanese]--and there seems to be wisdom in doing so, if for no other reason than to establish a base line from which we can examine the development of the region, as long as we acknowledge the historical instability of that tradition--then the first immigrants to Isumbras came more than a thousand years before the Sacrilege and the First Crusade, which is to say more than two thousand years prior [to the inception of the merchant's reckoning of time, or Merchant Reckoning, MR]."

The Migrations--2200-2000 prior
The "Sacrilege"--944 prior
The First Crusade--926 prior
The Second Crusade--903 prior
The Third Crusade--795 prior

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